Carla S. - July 11, 2019
5 Resistance Band Exercises To Do At Home

t’s no secret that resistance bands are all the rave right now.
This is probably because of how convenient they have made it to work out.
You can use resistance bands practically anywhere anytime.
Whether it’s at home, at the gym, on vacation, or even at the beach.
All you need is a bit of motivation and you’re good to go.
Are you ready to find out how you can achieve your fitness goals with these gems?
Are you ready to get your body toned up and your confidence on a high?
Let’s get into a bit of detail.
Do you want to tone your arms and glutes or do you want to stretch a little better?
Resistance bands are some of the best fitness equipment you can use to achieve these goals.
They come in different colors including yellow, blue, red, green, black, grey and purple where yellow is the lightest and purple is the heaviest.
Whatever your fitness goals are, you can find a wide selection of resistance bands at Fitness At Home.
The great thing about them is that they’re relatively low cost as compared to other fitness equipment and you can use them to tone different parts of your body including your butt, arms and legs.
Before we look at the different exercises you can do, let’s look at how to use them safely at home.

Using Resistance Band Safely
Resistance bands are pretty easy to use but that doesn’t mean you should not take precaution when using them.
Not securing your resistance band properly could lead to injury and take you further away from reaching your fitness goal.
We carry a wide array of resistance bands that come in full kits that include door jam handles that help secure your resistance band during your workout.
Before you start your workout consider the following factors.
- Understand the weight sizes. When it comes to choosing the right resistance band to use, choosing your favorite color or the one that matches your gym gear is not exactly the way you should go about it.
If your favorite color is grey, you’ll be getting the heaviest resistance band for your workout which will be counter effective if you’re not that strong yet.
Using the wrong size will therefore make your workout too difficult and demotivate you.
Choose a red resistance band instead as it is medium weight and offers a resistance of about 9 kgs.
- Use slow controlled movements. When it comes to working out, one might believe that the faster you do an exercise, the better your gains.
This is untrue, your muscles need to stretch at a slower and controlled pace to avoid injury. It is advised that when using resistance bands, you should make one set last about 60 seconds.
- Learn to tie a basic anchor knot. When using some resistance bands, you may need to secure them on a pole.
Without this the band will move around loosely making your workout difficult.
You can secure them using an anchor knot which is made by passing one end of the resistance band twice around the post keeping the second turn slack.
Pass the tail over the standing end and under the original slack turn to tie the first half hitch. Continue around the standing end to tie the second half hitch and complete the knot.
5 Resistance Band Exercises To Do At Home
Much like weightlifting, resistance bands allow you to perform different exercises while providing tension which is necessary for helping you flex and grow your muscles.
This makes them ideal for fitness at home. Here are 5 exercises you can get started with using your resistance band.
1. Resistance Band Lateral Leg Lift

This is a go to exercise if you’re looking to grow your hips, tone your butt and get rid of the hip dips.
- Loop a resistance band around your ankles or slightly higher and stand with your feet together.
- With your hands at your chest or on your waist (as pictured), shift your weight into your left leg and place your right foot lightly on the floor a few inches to the right so there is tension in the band.
- Squeeze your abs and tuck your pelvis under as you slowly lift your right leg out to the side, keeping your knee straight. Lift it as high as you can but stop right before you feel your back begin to arch.
- Return your right foot to the floor, keeping tension in the band. That's 1 rep.
- Do all your reps on one side, then repeat on the other side.
2. Resistance Band Standing Glute Kickback

As the name suggests, this exercise is mainly targeted at toning your butt aka glutes by growing the muscles within.
However, you should not be surprised when you lose weight off your butt after some time as this is normally the fat lost when you burn calories during this exercise.
- Loop a resistance band around your ankles and stand with your feet together.
- With your hands on your hips or at your chest (as pictured), shift all your weight into your left leg and place your right toes on the ground about an inch diagonally behind your left heel, so there is tension in the band.
- Squeeze your abs and tuck your pelvis under as you kick your right leg back about 6 inches, keeping your knee straight.
- Return your right foot to the floor, keeping tension in the band. That's 1 rep.
- Do all your reps on one side, then repeat on the other side.
3. Resistance Band Pull-Apart

This exercise is great for toning the chest area, shoulders and arms.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a resistance band with both hands in front of your body at shoulder height. Grip the band so that there's about a foot in between your hands. This is the starting position.
- Slowly pull the band apart so that your hands move to your sides, keeping them at shoulder height.
- Bring your hands, in a controlled movement, back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
4. Resistance Band Lying Lateral Leg Raise

Interested in toning your thighs? Consistently including this exercise into your workout regime will make this a reality for you.
- Lie on your left side and loop a resistance band around your ankles. Extend both legs out straight, stacking your right on top of your left. Bend your left elbow and prop your head up with your hand. Place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest for support. This is the starting position.
- Slowly lift your left leg, keeping it straight and squeezing your butt. Lift it as high as you can but stop right before you feel your lower back begin to arch.
- Slowly lower your leg back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
5. Resistance Band Bicep Curl

This one’s perfect for developing strong toned biceps.
- Stand with both feet on a resistance band. Hold one end in each hand, arms extended, palms facing forward.
- Slowly curl your hands up toward your shoulders, squeezing your biceps. Keep your elbows tight to the sides of your body.
- Slowly lower your hands back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
ll these exercises and more can be done with our full range 19pc resistance exercise fitness bands tubes kit with resistance bands of 4.5 kg all the way up to 27.3 kgs.
It also comes with swappable foam handles, ankle straps with velcro, a door jam anchor, a machine anchor all encased in a carrying case.
If you’re thinking about improving your mobility through stretching, then the thinner resistance loop bands are best for this.
They’re more versatile than the rest as you can do almost anything with them. You can do a bicep curl, shoulder press, bent over row, tricep push down, crossover etc.
At Fitness At Home, we have a wide range of resistance bands to suit your needs.
We advise one to get a complete kit so that you have all the different sizes to perform various exercises.
Whether you’re looking to increase your mobility and stretching during yoga or are looking to build on your big muscles, our resistance bands are sure to help you get the job done.