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Carla - 25 August 2023

Get Fit, Get Laughing: Gym Quotes That Make Home Workouts Hilariously Inspiring!

Finding the right dose of inspiration in fitness, where determination meets sweat and sore muscles, can sometimes be as challenging as the workouts themselves. But fear not! This collection of uproarious gym quotes is here to inject a hearty dose of humour and enthusiasm into your home workouts.

1. I don't sweat, I sparkle

2. I've got 99 problems, but a bench ain't one

3. I run because I really, really like food

4. Squats? I thought you said shots!

5. I do burpees because somewhere out there, a tortilla chip is breaking

6. Exercise? I thought you said extra fries

7. I don't sweat, I leak awesome

8. Abs are cool, but have you tried doughnuts?

9. Running late counts as cardio, right?

10. I'm not sweating, I'm just melting the fat

Get ready to flex your funny bone and break a laughter sweat with this next set of fitness jokes! From lifting spirits to running jokes, we've got a collection that's sure to give your abs a workout—both from laughter and maybe a few crunches!

Why did the bodybuilder bring a ladder to the gym? Because he heard it was a great way to get to the next level!

I tried to do a push-up, but I couldn't find the "push" button.

My gym teacher told me I needed to do more cardio, so I started taking the stairs instead of the elevator… when I'm at home.

Why did the dumbbell go to therapy? It had too many weight issues.

I asked the gym receptionist if they had a machine to turn fat into muscle. She pointed at the treadmill.

I'm not saying I'm out of shape, but my favourite exercise is a "doughnut" twist.

Why do bodybuilders make terrible burglars? Because they can't lift without grunting!

What do you call a bear that lifts weights? A "buffalo."

Did you hear about the bodybuilder who opened his own bakery? He kneaded the dough like a pro.

I told my trainer I wanted to lose 10 pounds. He suggested I shave my head.

Why did the tomato turn red at the gym? Because it saw the salad dressing.

What's a gym's favourite day of the week? Flex-day!

I joined a gym, but it only had one piece of equipment – a weight scale.

Why don't bodybuilders ever gamble? They don't like to lose their gains.

I tried to do yoga at the gym, but I think I pulled a "sitting-on-the-couch" muscle.

My fitness goal is to have biceps so big that I accidentally slap myself in the face when I flex.

Why was the math book at the gym? It wanted to exercise its brain.

I asked my trainer if I should do more cardio. He said, "Listen to your heart, but also listen to the treadmill."

What do you call a gym that only offers bad advice? A "misfit" gym.

I went to the gym and asked the trainer if he could teach me to do the splits. He said, "How flexible are your payment options?"

Why did the smartphone go to the gym? It wanted to get a better reception.

What do you call a snowman at the gym? An "abominable snowman."

I asked the gym instructor for help getting a six-pack. He said, "How about a six-pack of water bottles?"

I used to be a fan of circuit training, but then I realized it's just a bunch of electrical jokes.

Why did the bicycle go to the gym? It wanted to get pumped up for the Tour de France.

* My trainer told me to do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward for me.

I went to a dance class at the gym, but I think I accidentally signed up for "break-dancing with weights."

I told my workout partner a joke while he was doing squats. He burst out laughing – and so did his knees.

Why did the bodybuilder carry a pen and paper at the gym? To take down "weighty" notes.

I tried doing a plank, but I ended up napping on the gym floor.

My friend tried to convince me that lifting weights is fun. I told him that's a "heavy" argument to lift.

I asked the gym trainer if he could spot me while I did yoga. He just looked confused.

Why don't bodybuilders ever use elevators? They prefer the "uplifting" experience of stairs.

My gym partner said I should work on my chest more. So now I do a lot of push-aways – from the buffet table.

* Why did the bodybuilder bring string to the gym? He heard it was a great way to "tie up" loose ends.

I tried to do a pull-up, but my dog thought I was playing a game of "fetch the human."

Why did the bicycle fall over at the gym? Because it was "tired" of standing up.

My friend said he's been doing a lot of weightlifting. I asked him how much he's lifted, and he said, "My self-esteem!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of math? Multi-ply-ometrics!

I told my trainer I wanted to get more toned. He handed me a pencil and said, "Start with this."

Why did the bodybuilder bring a ladder to the gym? He heard it was a great way to reach the "high" bar.

I tried to do a sit-up, but I accidentally did a "stand-up" instead.

What did one dumbbell say to the other dumbbell at the gym? "Bro, do you even lift?"

I tried doing a somersault at the gym, but I just ended up in a "twisted" situation.

Why did the tomato refuse to do squats at the gym? It was afraid it would turn into "sauce."

My trainer told me to do burpees. I misheard and did "slurpees" instead.

Why did the computer go to the gym? It heard it could lose some "bytes."

I told my gym buddy that I'm considering becoming a vegetarian. He said, "Well, you've already got the 'no meathead' part down!"

What's a vampire's favourite exercise? The "dead lift."

I tried to do a handstand at the gym, but I couldn't find my hands.

Why did the pencil go to the gym? It wanted to get "lead" in its pencil.

My gym partner said he's been working on his triceps. I said, "Yeah, they look pretty 'try-hard' to me!"

Why don't bodybuilders ever take naps? Because they don't want to be caught "lifting" in their dreams.

I asked my trainer for advice on how to get a six-pack. He said, "Go to the store and buy one!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of music? Heavy metal.

I tried to do a handstand push-up, but I ended up doing a "face-plant" instead.

Why did the bodybuilder bring a fan to the gym? To keep things "cool" under pressure.

I asked the gym instructor if I should do more leg exercises. He said, "Well, it's a 'quad' decision!"

What do you call a potato that goes to the gym? A "muscle spud."

I tried to do a backflip at the gym, but I just did a "back flop" instead.

Why did the computer go to the gym? It heard it could increase its "byte size."

My trainer told me to do squats. I asked, "Do I get a 'booty bonus' if I do them?"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of shoe? Sneakers, because they're always on their toes!

I tried to do a cartwheel at the gym, but I ended up doing a "wheelie" instead.

Why did the tomato go to the gym? It wanted to get "sliced." I asked my trainer if I should do more ab workouts. He said, "Absolutely!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite social media platform? Instagram, for all the flexing opportunities.

I tried to do a back handspring at the gym, but I just did a "back crash" instead.

Why did the bodybuilder bring a camera to the gym? To capture those "picture-perfect" gains.

I asked the gym instructor if I should work on my core. He said, "It's the 'crunch' time of your life!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite fruit? Muscles-melon.

I tried to do a forward roll at the gym, but I just did a "forward flop" instead.

Why did the tomato refuse to do lunges at the gym? It didn't want to get "squashed."

I asked my trainer if I should do more leg raises. He said, "Well, it's a 'legit' exercise!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of cookie? Protein-packed cookies.

I tried to do a somersault at the gym, but I just did a "tumbleweed" instead.

Why did the bodybuilder bring a GPS to the gym? To find the quickest route to "gains-ville."

I asked the gym instructor if I should focus on my shoulders. He said, "It's a 'pressing' matter!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite vegetable? Biceps-llini.

I tried to do a pirouette at the gym, but I just did a "spin cycle" instead.

Why did the tomato go to the gym? It wanted to "ketchup" on its fitness.

I asked my trainer if I should work on my balance. He said, "It's time to take a 'stand' on it!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite seasoning? "Bulk pepper."

I tried to do a backflip at the gym, but I just did a "backslide" instead.

Why did the bodybuilder bring a backpack to the gym? To carry all those "weighty" expectations.

I asked the gym instructor if I should do more planks. He said, "It's a 'core' exercise!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite dessert? "Muscle-mousse."

I tried to do a handstand at the gym, but I just did a "hand fail" instead.

Why did the tomato refuse to do crunches at the gym? It didn't want to become a "sauce-sponge."

I asked my trainer if I should do more stretching. He said, "Flex-ibly!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of art? "Sculp-chures."

I tried to do a forward roll at the gym, but I just did a "roll fail" instead.

Why did the bodybuilder bring a mirror to the gym? To reflect on those "pumped" gains.

I asked the gym instructor if I should do more burpees. He said, "Jump on it!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite planet? "Muscle-ter."

I tried to do a cartwheel at the gym, but I just did a "wheel fail" instead.

Why did the tomato go to the gym? It wanted to get "sliced and diced."

I asked my trainer if I should do more jumping jacks. He said, "Jump to it!"

What's a bodybuilder's favourite type of book? "Lift-erature."

I tried to do a somersault at the gym, but I just did a "tumble fail" instead.

I hope these gym jokes brought a smile to your face! Remember, laughter is a great workout for the soul.