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Carla - 14 September 2022

Everything you need to know about Inversion Tables 

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you should seriously consider investing in an inversion table. If you are not familiar with inversion tables or the idea behind it, it is to essentially counter the effects of gravity, which pulls organs, joints and muscles down and compresses them against your spine. 

An inversion table can help with muscle tension, sciatica pain, and degenerative disc disease, and it’s proven very helpful in providing short-term back pain relief. 

Additionally, it can help you align your spine, increase the space between vertebrae, minimise compression, and also relieve pressure on your joints and bones. In fact, the benefits are wide ranging and affect the digestive, immune, circulatory and respiratory systems, and inversion tables also have a positive impact on your mental health and help with anti-aging. We offer the best inversion tables in Australia

Back Pain

Common everyday activities can lead to pinched nerves and spinal compression. Hanging upside down on an inversion table helps stretch the muscles and ligaments around the spine, which can temporarily alleviate that pain, not to mention improve spine alignment.

With more people working from home, less movement throughout the day, from desk, to couch to table without much motion, we have found the need for inversion tables have increased. 

Using an inversion table after working out, especially after weighted exercises, can be particularly beneficial and help you decompress your spine, reduce soreness after exercising, and elongate your body. It will also allow you to stretch out and relax your muscles while also alleviating built-up pressure.

If you want to improve your core, hanging upside might be just the trick. Doing sit-ups or crunches on the table can be a great challenge and help you strengthen your core, which in turn has a positive impact on blood circulation, flexibility, and posture.

Furthermore, inversion therapy is viewed as a natural, holistic solution approach. As such, the use of an inversion table can help people at risk of needing surgery manage their pain. Incorporating this equipment into their lifestyle can help them prevent additional damage that might lead to surgery. 

Furthermore, inversion therapy is viewed as a natural, holistic solution approach. As such, the use of an inversion table can help people at risk of needing surgery manage their pain. Incorporating this equipment into their lifestyle can help them prevent additional damage that might lead to surgery. 

We have a variety of inversion tables to suit your needs.

Buying The Right Inversion Table

Furthermore, inversion therapy is viewed as a natural, holistic solution approach. As such, the use of an inversion table can help people at risk of needing surgery manage their pain. Incorporating this equipment into their lifestyle can help them prevent additional damage that might lead to surgery. 

Controllable Inversion Degrees

Most inversion tables have three degrees, but if you want more options, look for a model that lets you rotate to whatever degree you like.

Inversion Table Features

There are a few key features that will make your inversion table safer and easier to use. This includes auto-locking hinges, which will keep the inversion table from separating from the base when in use; an ankle system that is easy to use and comfortable; a bed that is ergonomically designed; and weight-bearing joints made from heat-treated steel, which will ensure that they are especially strong. 

Heated inversion tables can also be beneficial for you have back pain. 

Inversion Table Frame

While some inversion tables are made of metal, you should look for one made of steel. It’s solid, it lasts a lifetime and it isn’t prone to corrosion.


While some inversion tables are made of metal, you should look for one made of steel. It’s solid, it lasts a lifetime and it isn’t prone to corrosion.

Now you’re in a good position to find exactly the right inversion table.  

Shop our Range of Inversion Tables Here